Noorderlicht festival 2020 
NOORDERLICHT FESTIVAL 2020: Open Student Call: Theme: Futurama

Doei! (Bye!)

Us people never stop, we keep on moving, running, flying and would preferably fast forward out of this crisis.
But the past and the future are getting near, and the past will help build the future. 
The foundation has already been built, it is on us to deal with it wisely and learn from our actions. 
The current crisis makes us reflect, wave old habits goodbye and find new ways to keep developing our world.

Noorderlicht festival 2021

NOORDERLICHT FESTIVAL 2021: Open Student Call: Theme: The Makeable Mind

'When we touch'

Reality can be a different experience for every person. For me it means a touch, being close with another human being. As friends, as family, as lovers or even as strangers. Inspired by the Instagram account @siblingsordating of how misleading a photo of two people can be, I wanted to make my own version. So can you guess what the reality of their relationship is?

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